Sonoma County Writers Camp:
Community, Creativity, Connections
Ellen Sussman and Elizabeth Stark, both acclaimed authors and writing teachers, put together wonderful five-day events with a wide range of fabulous authors, agents, editors, booksellers, and more. Whether online or in person, these are intimate, inspiring, enormously creative, and productive adventures. Questions? Email us!
Meditative Dream Writing
We begin each day with an optional “From Where You Dream” writing and meditation space—no talking, just sitting together to write and meditate before breakfast. (Or sleep in—it’s your vacation!)
Generative Exercises and Guidance
After breakfast, we gather in small groups to spend the morning engaged in creative, generative writing. Everyone has the chance to work with Ellen for two days and with Elizabeth for two days, leaving camp with rich new pages and ideas. This is the perfect opportunity to launch, deepen or finish a project. Occasionally, by popular demand, we run a workshop that also includes discussion of previously submitted student work.
Agents, Editors & Authors
After time to rest, walk, or write, our late afternoons feature special panels including an industry panel that brings an author and her agent and editor together to give us a view of the complete journey of a book from idea to publication, a session with a variety of guest authors discussing craft, career, and the writing life, and a Master Class by a guest teacher that will offer a powerful perspective on an aspect of craft and creativity.
A first evening welcome party with wine and treats is followed on subsequent evenings by our empowering, magical student readings and socialization. Dinners are eaten all together, and include our guests of the day—agents/ editors, authors, and Ellen and Elizabeth, so we have the chance for great conversation and connection between faculty and students not always available at larger conferences.